Monday, November 5, 2007

August Explorations (Schoolhouse Shops and Beverly Shores Beaches)

During August of 2006, I discovered a few of what have come to be a few of my favorite places. Among them was the shore Lake Michigan near Beverly Shores.

I also began to discover the joys of the local food seasons in Northwest Indiana. One farmer's market that I found was located at the Schoolhouse Shops near I-12 in Furnessville, Indiana.

The bounty of August was a pleasure not just the taste buds but also to the eyes and nose.

The choices in August included summer squash, tomatoes, sunflower blossoms, peppers, beans, blueberries, basil, new potatoes, fresh corn, pears, peaches, blackberries, and even the first of the apples for the year.

Tomorrow Red Mill Park, blossoms, and and winged creatures.

1 comment:

smokedkipper said...

Lovely pics thank you.
The snow brings back memories of the North of England and my childhood.
Now I live in Australia, not seen snow for 40yrs.